Top things to do in São João de Meriti (Brazil)

São João de Meriti: A Hidden Gem in Brazil

If you're planning a trip to Brazil and want to discover a hidden gem, look no further than São João de Meriti. This small city, located just 20km from Rio de Janeiro, offers a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural experiences, and amusement park thrills. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler to Brazil, São João de Meriti is sure to surprise and delight you.

Natural Beauty

One of the standout features of São João de Meriti is its stunning natural beauty. From hiking trails to parks and gardens, there is no shortage of places to take in the natural world.

Mirante do Morro do Pau Branco

For a challenging hike with a rewarding view, head to Mirante do Morro do Pau Branco. This hiking area offers a steep climb to the summit, but once you reach the top, you'll be rewarded with panoramic views of São João de Meriti and the surrounding countryside.

Árvore da Vila

If you're looking for a more leisurely stroll, Árvore da Vila is a must-visit. This tranquil park offers a peaceful escape from the bustling city streets, with winding paths, towering trees, and colorful gardens.

Parque De São João De Meriti

For a family-friendly outing, head to Parque De São João De Meriti. This park offers playgrounds, sports fields, and picnic areas, making it the perfect spot for a day of fun in the sun.

Cultural Experiences

São João de Meriti is also rich in cultural experiences, from historic landmarks to lively festivals.

Praça da Matriz

For a glimpse into the city's history, head to Praça da Matriz. This square is home to the historic Praça Getúlio Vargas, a landmark church and a bustling market.

Igrejinha do Vilar

Another must-visit for history buffs is Igrejinha do Vilar, a beautiful old church with stunning stained glass windows and intricate woodwork. Located on R. São Cristóvão, 91.

Salão de festa do dorindo pre

For a taste of local culture, be sure to check out Salão de festa do dorindo pre. This lively event space hosts frequent concerts, dance parties, and other cultural events, giving visitors a chance to experience the vibrancy and energy of São João de Meriti.

Amusement Parks

São João de Meriti is also home to several world-class amusement parks, offering everything from thrilling roller coasters to family-friendly rides and games.

Parque Playcity Diversões

Parque Playcity Diversões is a must-visit for thrill-seekers, offering a range of rides and attractions for visitors of all ages. Located on R. Maria Soares Sendas, 1, this amusement park is sure to provide a day of non-stop entertainment.

Other Attractions

In addition to the above attractions, there are plenty of other places to visit and things to do in São João de Meriti.

Praça dos Três Poderes

If you're looking for a relaxing spot to people-watch or take a stroll, head to Praça dos Três Poderes. This park offers a peaceful setting with plenty of benches and shade trees.

Escadão de Coelho da Rocha

For a unique sightseeing experience, check out Escadão de Coelho da Rocha. This winding staircase, located on R. Joaquim Gomes Andrade, 391, offers a picturesque backdrop for photos and a glimpse into the everyday life of São João de Meriti residents.


If you're an avid hiker, be sure to check out PASSAPORTE DE TREKKING. This hiking area, located on R. Joana Kalil, offers a variety of trails for hikers of all skill levels.

Praça da bandeira

Finally, for another peaceful park experience, head to Praça da bandeira. This park, located on R. Fenícia, 5 - qd 72Vilar, offers picturesque gardens, shady paths, and plenty of benches to relax on.


São João de Meriti may not be as well-known as other Brazilian cities, but it offers a wealth of natural beauty, cultural experiences, and amusement park thrills that should not be missed. From hiking trails to historic landmarks to family-friendly amusement parks, there is truly something for everyone in São João de Meriti. So, the next time you're planning a trip to Brazil, be sure to add this hidden gem to your itinerary.